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Captivating Gen Z: The Rise of DOOH Advertising and the Evolution of Out-of-Home Experiences

In an age where digital technology is engrained in our daily lives, capturing the attention of Gen Z and younger generations is increasingly challenging. Their immersive digital experiences and preferences have changed the advertising landscape, creating opportunities for innovative strategies. One such strategy has gained significant traction – Digital Out-Of-Home (DOOH) advertising. As Gen Z and young millennials prioritize spending on travel and outdoor experiences, DOOH advertising becomes a potent tool for brands to connect with this elusive audience.

Gen Z, a generation born into a digitally saturated world and making up about 21% of the total US population, consumes content differently. They appreciate authenticity, crave immersive experiences, and prioritize spending on travel and outdoor adventures. This behavioral change has spurred the phenomenal growth of DOOH advertising.

Post-COVID, as travel continues to surge, the DOOH advertising landscape has experienced explosive growth. With the easing of travel restrictions, people are more eager than ever to explore and embrace outdoor activities. As a result, DOOH advertising opportunities have broadened immensely. From digital billboards to screens in transit stations, taxis, airplanes, and even hotels, DOOH ads can be found virtually everywhere. These ads create highly engaging touchpoints in the physical world, blurring the lines between the digital and real-world experiences.

It’s important to note that 99% of Gen Z consumers will hit ‘skip’ on an ad if it’s an option and nearly two-thirds (63%) use ad blockers to avoid online ads. Despite this, 55% of Gen Zers have a positive opinion about OOH ads. This indicates that younger generations aren’t outright rejecting advertising, but rather, are selective about the types of advertising they engage with. They respond positively to ads that are personalized, contextually relevant, non-intrusive and add value to their lives.

So, how can brands take advantage of this explosive growth and the summertime OOH advertising opportunities it presents?

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  1. Harness Seasonality and Geolocation: Summer is a prime time for travel and outdoor experiences, making it the perfect season for DOOH advertising. Brands can benefit from the natural increase in foot traffic during this time by leveraging high-traffic outdoor spaces. Gen Z is likely to spend more time in public spaces such as parks, beaches, music festivals, or city centers. Coupled with geo-location technologies, brands can deliver personalized, contextually relevant ads in these areas. For example, a beverage company could display ads near beaches or parks, offering immediate solutions to the summer heat. This is especially effective given that nearly 98% of Gen Z owns a smartphone, and a further 79% rely on smartphones to do almost everything online.
  1. Capitalizing on Summer Trends: Brands can also use popular summer themes and trends in their DOOH ads. This could be everything from promoting summer-specific products to using sunny, vibrant visuals to catch the eye. Brands can even tie their campaigns to summer events such as music festivals, sporting events, or national holidays.
  1. Foster Interactivity and Engagement: Gen Z thrives on interactivity. Incorporating QR codes, Augmented Reality (AR), or social media integration into DOOH ads can enhance the user experience and engagement. For example, an interactive DOOH ad that lets passersby virtually try on sunglasses could be a hit near a sunny tourist spot.
  1. Drive Impact through Authentic Storytelling: Younger generations value authenticity and purpose-driven brands. DOOH ads that tell compelling, genuine stories can resonate with this audience, driving brand loyalty and conversions. Nearly half the Gen Z population identifies as belonging to a racial or ethnic minority group, emphasizing the need for inclusive and diverse storytelling.

The journey we’re witnessing in the advertising world is just the beginning. As technology continues to evolve, so will the ways brands connect with their audiences. In this new era, DOOH advertising holds tremendous promise. As travel and outdoor experiences become the norm again post-COVID, brands have the chance to redefine their advertising strategies and connect with the younger generation on a more profound, more personal level.

Remember, advertising is no longer about selling products; it’s about creating experiences that consumers can connect with. Gen Z, in particular, values these experiences over traditional product-focused ads. In the era of DOOH advertising, it’s those who can deliver these experiences that will win the hearts of Gen Z and younger generations.


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